Geo-database Design

When it comes to geospatial data, so often users have depended largely on file-based storage as the most effective storage method. The main disadvantage of this method is that the data is not alive, it typically requires data manipulation prior to use in terms of reformatting, reprojecting, clipping, etc. whereas a geo-database can provide real-time access to geographic data and services, benefits being it guarantees latest data, no media involved only requested data is needed and size is irrelevant.

What does a Geo Database help you to do??

  • It is a storage for both attribute as well as Geo-Spatial data together
    The Geo-database is a means by which the business can maintain and update the data periodically.
  • It is also useful in generating maps, reports and other publications.
  • It will allow your business to create a library of all your maps and other geospatial data.
woman working on laptop

What does a Geo Database help you to do??

There is an initial needs assessment that must happen between our consultants and your business.

Step one

First, we find out:

  • What kind of data do you need to visualize? For example:
  • Display 2D/vector data on a map.
  • Let end-users explore 3D buildings, landscapes, or objects.
  • Do you need to see the data on a spatially referenced background map?
  • Do you prefer a free and open source (FOSS) solution or a proprietary one?

Assessment is made as to the readiness of your team to interact with spatial data, and should it be deemed necessary either a crash, half or full day GIS literacy training session is held at your business’ premises or alternatively at Kgothatso Innovations’ training centre, Bryanston office.

We build the Geo-database using our team of experienced and scientifically trained GIS developers.

Once the prototype database design is complete, existing dataset, if available are converted and testing is begun to ensure the database works as envisioned.

periodic enhancement and maintenance of the geo-databases, to ensure that these assets remain current and reflect physical changes in the real world as accurately as possible.